A CRICKET club near Oswestry is still celebrating after one of its most successful seasons in many years.

Knockin and Kinnerley Cricket Club enjoyed a trophy-laden campaign which culminated in three of its six senior sides being crowned champions of their respective Shropshire leagues.

The club’s second string won the sixth division title while the third string won the second division of the Sunday League and its midweek team won the Shrewsbury Evening League third division title.

The success has further underlined the Nursery Ground club’s progress on the field.


Knockin and Kinnerley IIs players celebrate. (Image: Public.)

This on-field success is driven by the “One Club” approach led by club captain Gary Darlington. 

Darlington said: “2024 has been an amazing year and it couldn’t have gone much better. The atmosphere around the club is phenomenal and I am proud to be club captain. 

Knockin and Kinnerley midweek team players. (Image: Public.) “While we had three sides secure top spot in their leagues, our other three sides each finished third.”

The club captain insisted everyone at the club had played their part in the success with thoughts already shifting to building on 2024’s progress next summer.

“We set out our ‘One Club’ vision at the start of the year and collectively agreed on what success would look like,” he said. “Everyone really bought into the approach and the results speak for themselves.

“The number of players taking their first step into adult cricket or stepping up a level has been rewarding and bodes well for next season. 

“We would have loved for our first team to have also secured their league title, but we know we are well set to challenge next year. With a couple more additions, we won’t be far away.”