A PUBLIC footpath that now runs through an Oswestry resident’s garden needs to be declared  no longer in use, according to Oswestry councillors.

At its October meeting, councillors will be asked to consider an email asking for footpath four – running from Hampton Road and Mount Road – to be discontinued.

According to an agenda item for the meeting at the Guildhall (7pm) on Wednesday, councillros will be asked to formally submit a request to Shropshire Council’s Rights of Way team by Friday, October 18.


The item stated: “This named footpath was enabled for the development of Hampton Road. An adopted footway was later provided by the developer, to be maintainable by Highways.

“This is a tarmacked cut through which connects Hampton Road and Mount Road, to the northeast of Mount Rise.

“Footpath Four is now an anomalous stub running through the house and garden of 32 Hampton Road and Shropshire Council proposes the extinguishment of that remaining part of Footpath Four, under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, on the grounds that it is not needed for public use.”