Work has been approved to fix the roof of Oswestry Health Centre after safety concerns were raised over “sudden failure”.

Shropshire Council have approved work to begin to fixed the roof at Oswestry Health Centre after concerns were raised over the potential “sudden failure” of the trusses for the roof which have become damaged from exposure.

In the Design and Access statement presented to Shropshire Council by Concept Town Planning, it argues that “since the conversion works were completed in 2011, it has become evident that the roof covering and exposing the trusses to the elements as part of the conversion has ultimately been detrimental to the trusses.

“The 2023 investigation and report by Thomas Consulting found that the exposed pine trusses are displaying distress and twisting, facilitated and exacerbated by fungal infestation and their decay."


They go on to add: “The extent of the decay may mean that the trusses can not be meaningfully salvaged.

“Given the risk of sudden failure without further deflection, and the need to ensure public safety, the courtyard area is now closed with all access prevented.”

The application also revealed that practice was “experiencing areas of  dampness” on the adjoining wall.

It also revealed that the installation of a crash deck had cost the practice nearly £50,000 at the time of application and was costing a further £5,000 every month.    

Shropshire Council has given its approval to the plans to have the trusses removed.

In the report by the planning officer dealing with the case, it said: “The removal of historic fabric would not normally be supported.

“However, as stated within the application description it is the intention that the trusses are removed to remove the immediate danger they pose to the public, following which a scheme of replacement application will be submitted to the LPA for consideration and approval.”