THE temporary removal of roof trusses from a major Oswestry health centre is need for ‘safety reasons’, according to a planning application.

The application for the Cambrian Medical Centre, in Thomas Savin Road, is for listed building consent to remove roof trusses over an internal courtyard at the centre.

The plan, submitted last week, included a design and access statement with it setting out the reasons for why a temporary solution is needed ahead of a ‘satisfactory’ scheme for a replacement.


It said: “Since the conversion works were completed in 2011, it has become evident that removing the roof covering and exposing the trusses to the elements as part of the conversion has ultimately been detrimental to the trusses.

“The 2023 investigation and report by Thomas Consulting found that the exposed pine trusses are displaying distress and twisting, facilitated and exacerbated by fungal infestation and their decay.

“The purlins between trusses are twisting and deflecting and have had emergency repairs in several places.

“The extent of the decay may mean that the trusses cannot be meaningfully salvaged.

“Given the risk of sudden failure without further deflection, and the need to ensure public safety, the courtyard area is now closed with all access prevented.

“In addition, the medical practice is experiencing areas of dampness on the wall adjacent to the courtyard area due to ingress by water.

“It is unclear whether this is due to the trusses themselves; however, the safety risk presented by their continued presence is preventing this ingress into the wall of a listed building being remediated.”

The statement added that as per an application in 2009, the courtyard is now off-bounds to members of the public but a new agreed temporary solution could reopen it to patients.

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It added: “In advance of a satisfactory solution for the replacement of the trusses being agreed, there is an urgent need to remove the trusses and Listed Building Consent for the removal of the exposed trusses is sought.

“This will address public safety concerns, remove the risk of further damage to the existing listed building, and allow the removal of the supporting scaffolding to facilitate the beneficial use of the courtyard for recreation of the users of the building.”

Consultation is open on the application and will close on Tuesday, August 27 ahead of a potential decision on Friday, September 13.