A pub company looking to build homes near Oswestry claims “all the problems can be overcome”.

A proposed development of land surrounding the Punch Bowl pub in West Felton has alarmed local groups over potential issues over parking and the future of the popular village carnival.

Plans put forward by Trust Inns would see “the development of the land at the Punch Bowl public house, West Felton for up to five dwellings”.

The area currently “includes an area of hardstanding and a grassed area which forms the south and east of the site” which includes much of the pub’s car park.


This has alarmed the organisers of the popular West Felton Carnival who say the plans could put the annual event in peril.

“The future of the carnival is under threat due to Trust Inns proposal to redevelop over half of the land and carpark around The Punch Bowl Inn into housing,” said organiser Jo Summers.  

“As well as impacting the heart of West Felton, this is our congregating point that hosts the fantastic start of the carnival.”

The recently reformed local football team have also raised concerns that the development could either cause serious parking issues or drastically damage business for the pub.

Manager of West Felton Football club, Micky Willis told the Advertizer that the plans would mean the car park would not have the capacity to deal with a large crowds.

"The brewery are trying to build five houses on the pub car park, leaving them with only eight spaces which isn't going to be ideal when around 30 lads turn up after the game and there will already be people there for carvery,” said Mr Willis.

"So the streets would be full of cars if this goes ahead and that's not ideal. Especially with all the kids about."

Trust Inns on the other hand have claimed in their application “the public house itself falls outside of the application site and is unaffected by these proposals” and that “the principle of development of the site for residential use is wholly acceptable”.

A spokesperson for Trust Inns said: “We are looking to develop the area to enable us to invest in the pub and barn to make it a better asset for the village.

“We will be happy to engage with the local community and we believe all the problems can be overcome.”