REVISED plans to build a new clubhouse in Cae Glas Park for a tennis club have been put before Shropshire Council.

The application – a second attempt at building a clubhouse for Oswestry Team Tennis – was submitted to the council’s planning portal at the start of July.

The plans are for a modular clubhouse which will be placed on the same land as its currently storage and workshop building.

A design and access statement, submitted with the plans, set out the application.

It said: “This application to Shropshire Council is for a full planning application and demolition in a conservation area for the demolition of the existing workshop/storage building and building of a modular building into a clubhouse for Oswestry Team Tennis.

“Oswestry Town Council’s disused workshop, being adjacent to the tennis courts, provides a very good location for a clubhouse such as we envisage.

“Access would be ideal and easy for members and visitors to utilise.

“The indoor clubhouse facilities will include a lobby, kitchen area, community area, toilet with access for disabled and an aspect overlooking the tennis courts.

“The adjacent outside area will have a seating/communal area which will complement the clubhouse.

“This clubhouse will sit in a conservation area so great care will be taken to ensure the new modular building will complement the existing location.”

The application has previously received planning permission for a permanent structure and bigger building for a clubhouse but the cost of living crisis and rising costs have had a last impact.

Oswestry Team Tennis, with £20,000 in a will donation, carried out fundraising to pay for the project which will be used towards the new plan.

It added: “A local company offered a modular building to OTT, which would meet all their expectations in both costs and design.

“The structure would also be erected within a short space of time thus saving on labour costs.

“The structure is pleasing to look at and sits neatly within the space available adjacent to the tennis courts.

“Having a clubhouse will encourage wider participation by parents and families.

“It will become a focal point and a meeting place, the glue that holds the club together and allows better communication and promotion of our activities.

“Not having one means the club is always at a disadvantage in gaining new members compared to others better equipped. The clubhouse will also be made available to the community to maximise usage, increase footfall and help raise funds for the club.”