DEVELOPERS have made another bid to build on land off a major Oswestry road.

Outline plans for Whittington Road Sawmill were received by Shropshire Council on Thursday, April 6.

Located near the junction with Gobowen Road, an original application was refused in November 2021 after it was submitted to Shropshire Council 12 months earlier.

According to a report from Shropshire Council planning officer Melanie Williams, in her recommendation that the site be refused planning permission, the development would lead to unacceptable noise levels.

The original 2020 application also brought ‘strong’ objection from nearby business Guttercrest, which indicated that the development of the land off Whittington Road would impinge its long-term plans to expand.


Other objections included concerns over parking, increase road use around Whittington Road and Unicorn Road, and for the safety of residents in the area.

A second application to build on the site was made in September 2022 but were withdrawn in January this year ­leading to a third attempt.

Monmouth-based applicant Linda Jennings has put forward drawings for the houses, which will be in a ‘mews’ style.

While the application is missing a design and access statement, the applicants have included a report into potential noise levels which could impact on both tenants/owners of 'Sawmill Mews' and nearby residents.

They concluded: “With regard to undertaking the assessment, (it) indicates that the context of the sound must be taken into consideration.

“Any noise resulting from the new tenant would also likely adversely affect existing residential properties on Whittington Road, Queen Elizabeth Drive and Unicorn Road.”

It added: “Therefore, based on the above assessment and mitigation measures, appropriate planning conditions can be applied to ensure internal and external noise levels in accordance are achieved.”

Consultation on the proposal ends on Monday, May 8 with a decision expected in July, and anyone wishing to comment can do so by searching 23/01517/OUT on Shropshire Council’s planning portal.

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