PLANS to build a 67-metre tall wind turbine at an Oswestry chicken farm have been put to Shropshire Council.

The plan for the turbine, plus a control box and all associated works, is for Bryn Y Plentyn in Middleton, between Oswestry and West Felton.

The plans, submitted last month, are to place the turbine in a 'selected field' which would be hidden by the farmland on the premises, which is owned by DA and GM Woollam.

According to a design and access statement prepared by Roger Parry and Partners for the applicants, stating the plans are to produce their own electricity.

It said: "The proposed use of the wind turbine is for the generation of electricity from a renewable source, the wind.

"The applicant intends to reduce reliance on imported electricity through the on-site generation of wind energy, which will in turn reduce costs to the farming operation and support the diversification activities of the business.

"The applicant also supports efforts to address and seek solutions to climate change and global warming, and is therefore making a personal effort to contribute to the UK Renewable Energy requirements for clean, disaggregated renewable energy generation.

"The proposed turbine will directly offset the high electricity demand at Bryn Y Plentyn with any excess electricity generated during periods of lower demand or high wind speeds exported to the National Grid."

The statement adds the turbines is to help support the 'continued viability' of the farm business and to offset its own energy use.

It also wants to promote the use of renewable energy in the area.

However, the statement added that there is no plan to landscape around the turbine as it could potentially 'reduce it's performance'.

One person has objected to the plans on fears it will impact on energy.

John Young, who owns a nearby property, said: "My property is situated some 400 metres from the proposed installation.

"The planning application states that it is the intention of the scheme to export surplus electrical energy to the local grid. My property has a solar PV installation which is also grid connected.

"The application has not considered the impact of a relatively large source of export to the local grid on other installations nearby.

"I am concerned that the grid my be subject to fluctuations that may interfere with or damage my installation."