Residents in the Oswestry area have been told to be on the alert for a man disguised as an EON engineer.

West Mercia Police have said that they have had reports in the St Martins area of a man disguised as an EON engineer trying to get access to houses.

Local officers said they were alerted by residents yesterday afternoon (November 22) about a man trying to gain access to pensioners homes in the area.


However, when challenged the man was unable to provide any ID and fled, later checks found that EON had no engineer in the area.

West Mercia Police have released a description of the engineers who is described as “Male; 6 foot in height; heavily set with purple hair tied back in a short ponytail.”

Police have warned residents to be on alert for the man and have said that if you are in doubt do not give access to your property.

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A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: “Oswestry Rural North Safer Neighbourhood Team have received information this afternoon in relation to suspicious activity in the St Martins area today.

“The information relates to a male targeting pensioner properties in St Martins. This person is posing as an engineer from EON Electric and attempting to gain access to properties. When asked for proof of identity the male has left the area.

“When neighbours have checked with EON, they have said that there is no one from them in the area.

“If in doubt keep them out.”