ADVICE on how to grow sports clubs in Oswestry will be given at a special event in the town next month.

Oswestry Sports Forum will be hosting a free workshop for member and non-member club representatives on Monday, November 11 at Oswestry Rugby Club starting at 7pm and running until around 9pm with the theme of “Growing Sports Clubs through Increased Volunteering and Funding”.

Clive Knight, acting as a spokesman for the forum, said the event will be full of people who can help sports clubs grow their membership and coffers.

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He said: “Many of our local sports clubs, particularly since Covid, need help on both our key subjects this evening which is about improving knowledge on volunteering and on funding.


“Volunteers are the ‘engine room’ of our clubs, and without them they cannot function properly, while raising additional funding is a constant theme for helping kick start club initiatives to increase their activities.

“This will be an interactive evening with the objective that every participant goes away with constructive ideas of how to improve their club’s ability to cope with these vital areas of club management to help grow your club.

Our key speakers are Amy Griffiths from Energize Shropshire who will speak on ‘Empowering Communities Manager’ and will also lead on the volunteering and fundraising agenda items.

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“Meanwhile, Corrie Davies, who is project development officer at Oswestry Town Council will cover local initiatives including Oswestry Youth Forum.

“Carole Moreton, funding and grants team lead at Community Resource, will cover grant aid.”

If you would like to attend or need more information, Oswestry Sports Forum members or non-member clubs from around Oswestry and beyond, please contact Clive on or ring him on 07964 615858.