A talk on recent archaeological finds in Shropshire will be held in Oswestry.

The Oswestry & Border History & Archaeology Group (OBHAG) will host Clara de Sousa Cunha, the finds liaison officer for Shropshire & Herefordshire, on Friday, October 11.

The talk will cover recent finds in Shropshire discovered through the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS).

Managed by the British Museum and Amgueddfa Cymru - Museum Wales, the PAS, established in 1997, records small archaeological finds discovered by the public.

The programme has helped record around 1.5 million items, with details available on the PAS database.

The Shropshire Bulla, a gold pendant and one of the most significant Bronze Age objects ever discovered in Britain, was found in 2018 and recorded through this scheme.

The database, accessible at finds.org.uk, serves as a repository of details on the reported artefacts, offering a wealth of information to historians, archaeologists, and the general public.

In addition to metal objects, the PAS also covers non-metallic items, with finds often brought in by members of the public, including metal detectorists.

The talk will take place at the Methodist Church Hall, Castle Street, Oswestry, starting at 7.30pm.

New members and visitors are welcome at the monthly talks, with an entry fee of £2 for OBHAG members and £5 for visitors.