A DRUG dealer who ran a solo drug dealing operation has been told she has to pay back half of her ill-gotten gains.

Jane Torrens, formerly of Prince Street in Oswestry but now of Shrewsbury, appeared at the town’s crown court on Monday, September 30, for a proceeds of crime act hearing.

Torrens was convicted in January this year but had her sentencing deferred by Judge Peter Barrie until the summer while she was monitored monthly to be drug and alcohol free.

In July, she was praised by Judge Barrie – in of one his final cases before retirement – for her ‘hard work’ to become drug free.


Recorder Justin Taylor heard that an official ‘benefit' figure - which is the amount that Torrens received through the operation - was £7,090.45.

He ordered Torrens to repay £3,195 to the courts system and made a default order of three months.

However, Recorder Taylor heard from defence barrister Robert Edwards that Torrens’ money was already held by West Mercia Police and that his client had signed off on its transfer to the court.

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An order was made for the drugs which were confiscated during the raid by police in February 2022 to be destroyed.

In the raid, police found 29.7g of diamorphine with a street value of more than £2,000 and 29.6g of cocaine, worth around £3,000.

Around £450 worth of cannabis was found, £300 in cash plus £2,500 in cash which the prosecution confirmed was from the sale of a car.