A HUSBAND and wife team from near Oswestry will be taking on the ultimate challenge next year – running the London Marathon…together!

St Martins couple Jess Hatton, 32 and from St Martins, is a sister at the theatres at Roberts and Agnes Hunt Hospital (RJAH) in Gobowen while Tom works for Hafren Dyfrdwy.

The pair will be running the marathon in April next year, looking to raise money for the RJAH Charity, with the intention of giving back after receiving care there.

READ MORE: Volunteers at Gobowen hospital recognised for hard work

READ MORE: Gobowen hospital charity benefits from London Marathon

“Our motivation is to give back to the hospital through the charity because Tom and my step-daughter have both had operations there,” said Jess.


“Tom really wants to run the marathon and we have a good reason.

“Tom had his ACL done after he got injured playing football and Eliza had a procedure there when she was a baby, before my time.”

Jess added she is the more reluctant of the runners, joining her husband rather than willingly taking part but said there has been some enjoyment.

“I’m finding it hard but I am also enjoying it far more than I thought I would,” she added.

“My old boss did it a couple of years ago and I remember saying to her that I would never do it.

“But I spoke to her last weekend and she said ‘told you, knew you’d do it eventually’.

“It is actually more enjoyable than I thought but as the event isn’t until April, I’m not doing proper training yet.

“I am excited for it as it will be a massive achievement that I never thought I would do.

“I’ve never run properly – I started it last year but didn’t really go anywhere i.e. didn’t get involved in any races or anything like that.

“Tom has got me more into it and he will be doing a few races in the build-up including a few 10ks and a half-marathon in the build-up.

“I probably won’t – I’ll just do that marathon first up and that will be fine.

“He’s getting excited – he’s on a run now.

“We run separately most of the time because we have a three-year-old and it’s hard to get out together as we can’t take her with us.

“It is quite nice when we run together though, spending time with each other and he runs slower for me.

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“I’ve told him not to do that for the marathon though – he’s looking for sub four hours and I’m looking forward to crossing the line.”

The pair are holding a quiz night at the St Martins Institute on Friday, October 4 to help meet their £3,000 fundraising target.

For more, head to www.justgiving.com/page/jessica-hatton-1720204487901