A PLANNING permission application for ‘urgent repair works’ has been lodged with Shropshire Council by the Canal & River Trust in Ellesmere.

The application was submitted last week for Ellesmere Boat Yard, the group’s base in the town, and was instigated by Historic England in relation to ‘Heritage at Risk’ programme.

The works will be funded by them too.


A planning and heritage statement explained the work will be carried out on listed buildings within the boat yard.

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It said: “The Timber Store (Pine Loft, circa 1875) is a two-storey building which is open fronted on the south elevation of the lower storey.

“While its current condition would be categorised as poor (it is currently registered as Heritage at Risk) and elements of the building have been lost (boiler for steam engine and mortar mill) it retains a high level of significance based on original form and fabric (mainly architectural and historic interest with some above ground archaeological interest) and is currently designated at Grade II.”

The engine house and covered walkways will also be repaired.