Plans to build new homes in a north Shropshire village have been lodged with county planners.

The scheme proposed by applicant SF Jones would grant outline permission to build nine new houses on 5,000 square metres of agricultural land on the southern edge of Tetchill, near Ellesmere.

If approved, the proposal would extend a previous development of 13 homes off Hordley Road in the south-west of the village known as Winston Fields, which was granted approval in 2017.

The scheme proposes a mix of three and four bedroom homes on the site which lies outside the existing developed boundary of the village, but which the applicant says would be a “natural extension to the existing settlement of Tetchill” in a supporting statement.

“Whilst the site is located outside of the development boundary, the site is closely related to the built form of the village as described in this statement and is geographically considered a part of Tetchill,” the statement says.

“The site is not located on any Green Belt land and there are no other landscape designations applicable to the land. The site is located adjacent to existing residential development within Tetchill’s settlement boundary.

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“The application site is located adjacent to Tetchill’s settlement limits on two sides and represents a logical ‘rounding off’ extension to the settlement. Tetchill is a Community Cluster with close links to Ellesmere and surrounding settlements, and the provision of additional dwellings would only add to the future sustainability of the settlement. ”

National planning policy supports housing development in rural settlements where doing so would help make local services more sustainable by providing a greater number of users and customers.

In their submission, the developer says the development will help make Tetchill “more sustainable” by attracting services to the village. They admit that Tetchill does not have any facilities that would be supported by more housing in the area, but say bus links to the nearby villages of Lee and Whitemere mean that services would be supported elsewhere by the development.

“It is accepted that Tetchill does not have any services per-se, however there are public transport nodes within the village in the form of bus stops providing a sustainable link to nearby settlements where services and shops are available,” the statement adds.

“It is noted the village forms part of a Community Cluster with Lee and Whitemore[sic]; the three villages support each other which are further supported by other larger villages and Ellesmere in the wider area.”

Shropshire Council will decide on the scheme in due course.