A BBC Bargain Hunt expert was the special guest for a WI group outside Oswestry for its September meeting.

Matthew Tong has appeared on the hit show and last week, he was joined by 21 members of Gobowen WI, plus two visitors, to talk about his career.

Matthew, who lives and works in Rhosymedre, near Wrexham, but comes from Oswestry and a spokesman for the WI said he was delighted to join them.


They said: “Gobowen WI’s September Meeting saw 21 members and two visitors enjoy our speaker for the evening, Matthew Tong from Tongs Auction House, Rhosymedre,

“Many will know him from BBC's Bargain Hunt and he gave a most interesting talk about his career from his humble beginnings, selling potatoes door to door, several years at The Music Hall, Shrewsbury followed by a successful singing career to where he is today, owning his own Auction House.

“His anecdotes from his time at The Music Hall were very amusing.

“Several members brought along “their treasures”, which Matthew then valued and talked about.”

They added that a short business meeting was held and president Helen Cattell thanked members for watering the planter during the hot weather at the Church Hall in Gobowen.

Final names were taken for the “Great Days Out “in Chester.

They added: “This is a fun filled day with music which this year is a Beatle theme, a quiz, singing dancing and a Christmas Lunch.

“Mandy Richardson very kindly sold raffle tickets for The NFWI Raffle.

“It was lovely to see Jacqui one of our long-standing members who joined us for the evening.

“Jacquie moved to London more than four years ago but maintained her membership to help when our numbers were dropping.

“She tries to get to see us once or twice a year and we really appreciate her continued support.

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“We now have 23 members and always welcome new members.”

If anyone is interested in joining us, we meet at the Church Hall, Gobowen on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

Any enquiries can be made to Sara Jones on 07572 496064.