OSWESTRY Town Council has made the decision to hold any discussions around plans to bring back a cinema to the town in private.

The agenda item will be heard away from public and press at the end of Wednesday’s meeting at the Guildhall, starting at 7pm.

Councillors will hear a report from town clerk Arren Roberts after a previous motion from Councillor Duncan Kerr called for a concerted effort to return a cinema to the town.


The agenda said: “The town clerk (will provide) an update on bringing a cinema to the town.

“It also sets out an overview of the projector used to show productions at KinoKulture.

“It is recommended that this item is considered without the public and press present as it contains proposals which are commercially sensitive and could impact on future negotiations,

“And information which could prejudice future legal action.”

The cinema item is one of four to be held in the private session including correspondence received concerning the Smithfield Gateway in the town.

There will also be discussion over seasonal opening hours for Cae Glas Park plus the public toilets cleaning contract.

In the public session, councillors will consider a repot from Mr Roberts over its continuing White Ribbon accreditation which is up for renewal after three years.

A White Ribbon banner for the council shows its commitment to supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse.

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In his report, he said that it would cost the council £330 per year over three years to continue the commitment.

Mr Roberts stated that the council has largely met its targets set when it first signed up to the White Ribbon programme in 2021 but added that HR policies reflecting the commitment needed to be updated.

He added that a draft action plan was attached to his report that, if councillors wanted to maintain its support, would need to be approved.