A FOOTBALL club outside Oswestry has hit its target to allow them to be better neighbours and stop balls going into nearby properties.

Morda Football Club launched a GoFundMe to try to purchase a ‘safety net’ behind one of its goals to stop balls landing in gardens from wayward shots.

The club set a relatively low £200 target, which has now reached £220, but used the fundraising site to explain why they made the appeal for cash, listing all the jobs that need doing.


This also includes ensuring personal facilities are up to scratch for the club.

“Here at Morda United, we are always fundraising,” said its committee.

“To run three teams is a very costly undertaking and we want to keep the club going for years to come.

“We also have to spend plenty on the ground itself.

“Over the last few years we have managed to pull together and reopen the big stand and tea hut.

“We are hoping to get a new safety net behind the bottom goal and reinstate the poles to save the balls going into our neighbours.

“We are hoping to put some money into the changing rooms with the showers in need of updating and the roof resealing due to numerous holes.

“Obviously this is an ongoing project but if we don't action these within the coming months they may be beyond repair.

“We hope to keep the club going for young people for years to come by building a decent infrastructure to carry on.

“We have some cracking and loyal sponsors but we are always looking to do more. Morda United is at the heart of the community and solely run by volunteers.

“There is a big following for local football in the town but slowly the teams are dwindling away.

“Thank you for taking the time to look at our cause, hopefully see you down at the club in the near future.

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“Thank you from all the committee at Morda United.”

Anyone wishing to help the club move even further past its target can do so by donating to https://www.gofundme.com/f/fundraiser-for-ground-up-keep

Around 20 donors have already add their support to the cause but the club is looking for more funds to support it.