Oswestry's old Yoga Centre is set to host the vibrant finale of Cultural Connections' Love Oswestry Summer of Art programme.

Taking place from September 6 through to September 28, the ART-efact Exhibition celebrates the town's creative flair and unique border town identity.

Forming a significant part of Oswestry’s Heritage Open Days programme, the exhibition is funded by the UK Government as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

It has been developed in collaboration with Oswestry Cultural Connections.

Throughout the summer, four local artists worked closely with the town council archives, town museum, and local experts, delving into Oswestry’s rich history and diverse narratives.

The artists also delivered a series of public workshops, allowing the general public to influence their artwork.

At the helm of this creative journey is Holly Maries, building on her years of experience in operating both independently and collaboratively within the arts scene.

The final lineup of artists includes Emmy Clarke, Martha Clark, Megan Hayward, and Robert Lawton, all offering unique skills and viewpoints for the upcoming exhibition.

Ms Clarke, an important voice within the queer and autistic community, has gained recognition for her powerful poetry.

The Oswestry native brings her experiences of creating art with neurodivergent artists and writers for the magazine, Changeling.

Ms Clark offers a multidisciplinary approach with experience in printing, painting, and drawing, recognised locally for her window paintings and installations.

Ms Hayward is an award-winning creative audio artist known for exploring topical subjects.

The podcast producer was featured on BBC Radio 4's New Storytellers programme with her piece ‘Down On The Farm’, shedding light on the mental health issues in farming.

Last but not least, Mr Lawton, explores themes of identity through painting and is bringing his vast experience from tutoring and conducting workshops for a decade.

The exhibition is expected to house poems, audio pieces centred around love, inspired by the Gilbert and Gorden love letters.

There will also be paintings, drawings, and installation works that reflect Oswestry's unique cultural identity and history.

It will be open exclusively on market days between 10am and 4pm.