OSWESTRIANS out to market on Saturday may be forgiven if they need eyes testing as they will see a man in a suit being dunked in water.

That will be Matthew Hignett, a 37-year-old financial advisor who works in the town plus Chester and Shrewsbury for Beaumont Wealth,  and he will be raising money for Hope House on the Bailey Head. 

He plans to be dunked in water – for donations, of course – in his full suit from 10am until 4pm on Saturday (August 31) and hopes that passing members of the public will help him surpass his £2,000 target.


Matt explained why he chose Hope House.

“Heaven forbid I should get wet, but I think it’s going to be ok with the weather,” said Matt.

“Looking forward to it is a bit strong but hopefully we’re going to raise more money to add to the lots of money we’ve already raised.

“I’ve picked them because of what they do – I have two daughters myself but trying to put yourself in the shoes of parents of terminally-ill children, you’ve got no idea of what it would be like.

“They only get two months a year of statutory funding and they need to raise the rest themselves so I wanted to help them.

“I wanted to do something good – most people inherently do but don’t always get to do it so you’ve just got to get out there.

“I’ve supported them in the past with the Dark Runs they do.

“I’m a financial advisor and most of my clients are in Shropshire, North Wales and Cheshire which is the area that Hope House covers and that helped with the fundraising too.”

Matt also explained why he chose the dunking and why it is taking place in a full suit.

He added: “I needed to do something that required no discernible talent or put me in pain so sitting in the middle of Oswestry getting dunked is fine.

“Theys aid to me that usually people only do this for 15 minutes so doing it for six hours is a bit of a feat of endurance, as it’s freezing cold water and in my work suit – it’s not the most forward easy thing to do.

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“Obviously what I do, a lot of my clients who have sponsored me see me in my work suit and I thought it was a good thing to do.

“Also, as a financial advisor, you often deliver news that people don’t want to hear and they keep that in their mind when they're looking at me in my suit and dunking me.”

Anyone wishing to help Matt raise money can do so by visiting www.justgiving.com/page/matthew-hignett-1722594185395