A COMMUNITY group near Ellesmere has recently celebrated a major milestone with a religious service and cake.

Welsh Frankton Mothers Unions celebrated its 95th anniversary with a service at St Andrew's Church, in the village, last week.

Debbie Hayward, from the Mothers’ Union, said the celebration was well-supported and proved to be a good day for all.


She said: “Welsh Frankton Mothers’ Union recently celebrated their 95th anniversary with a Mary Sumner day service in St Andrew's Church.

“An afternoon tea for members and guests followed in the village hall.

“The service was led by the branch leader Reverend Karen Davies with assistance from Reverend Pat Hawkins, assistant Rural Dean.

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“The readings were given by branch member Reverend Anne Netherwood. A talk about the Summer of Hope appeal which the branch is supporting was given by Rosemary Walker.

“Penny Harrison spoke about the Ellesmere food share project and I, as treasurer, gave a short history of the branch.

“An anniversary cake was cut in the hall by myself with Reverend Karen.”