EARLY preparations are being made for a charity coffee morning in aid of the mayor’s charities in Ellesmere next month.

The Mayor's Charity Coffee Morning  will be held at Ellesmere Town Hall on Saturday, September 14 2024, running from 9am until midday in aid of Councillor Graham Hutchinson.

It will be one pound entry for all visitors wanting to part and help raise funds for the mayor’s chosen charities for 2024/25 which will be the Swan Mere Day Centre and Ellesmere Memory Café.


A spokesman for the town council said that stalls will be available on the day and anyone wishing to take part can contact the mayor direct.

They said: “Everyone is welcome.

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“there will be a selection of cakes and a charity raffle.

“If you would like to have a stall at the event please email Graham for details at graham.hutchinson@ellesmere-tc.gov.uk”

Cllr Hutchinson succeeded Anne Wignall as mayor in May this year after serving as her deputy for two years.