A WHEELCHAIR lift for an Oswestry girl left paralysed after illness in 2022 is the goal of a fundraiser launched by her family.

Amy Beaumont lives in Castle Street with her mum Julie Colton and siblings. Now her elder sister Lucy has launched a GoFundMe for £18,000 to pay for a ‘through-floor lift’ direct into her bedroom.

This, said Lucy, would ease the burden on their mother for Amy’s 24-hour care and the family says that the lift would allow her to live her life in a ‘dignified way’.


She said: “In October 2022, my younger sister Amy’s life completely changed. 

“She was your typical 17-year-old girl studying for exams with the dream of enabling those less fortunate by becoming a human rights lawyer and being part of a power for change for minorities from all walks of life. 

“Without warning, Amy suddenly found herself in hospital unable to walk, talk or fully comprehend, experiencing painful spasms and seizures.

“After multiple tests and scans, she was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) and Functional Hyperkinetic Movement Disorder (FHMD).

“There is no known cure for Amy’s FND and FHMD. The only treatment being regular physiotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy attempting to keep her symptoms in check.

“Amy is having to retrain her body to do every day functions ranging from learning to walk to using her fine motor skills for everyday living activities.”

Amy is now able to talk most of the time, but struggles after seizures - of which she can suffer up to four a day.

Lucy added that Julie, who is a mum of six and has spent 37 years as a nurse, including in the Army, also cares for family members.

She said: “Mum has always made sure we could rely on her despite mourning the loss of the future Amy had hoped for.

“Despite everything, both Amy and my mum still spend more time worrying and caring for others and their community and never ask for help, but now they need it.

“Amy’s seizures and the house layout means a stairlift is not suitable so the only other option is a through-floor wheelchair lift.

“This would make the world of difference to Amy, giving her back some independence and make night time care a little easier with all the family being on the same floor. 

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“That is why I am appealing to the kindness of my community to help 'Lift Amy up' and help in any way possible to get my fun-loving, beautiful sister the lift she needs so she can live the life she deserves with dignity and ease. 

“It has been a very hard decision to reach out to you all.”

Anyone wishing to help the fundraiser can do so at www.gofundme.com/f/help-lift-amy-up