A ST MARTINS man who ran away from police for dangerous driving and had to be tasered twice to be arrested has escaped jail.

Benjamin Golding, 24 and of Ellesmere Road, appeared at Shrewsbury Crown Court on Monday, July 29 to be sentenced for one count of dangerous driving after he fled police at speed in a five-seater car containing seven people.

He also had five associate charges to be sentenced on including driving without insurance, otherwise than in accordance with a licence and three drug driving charges including cocaine.


Prosecutor Alexa Carrier told Judge Anthony Lowe – in his first day as the newly-installed resident judge at Shrewsbury Justice Centre – that Golding had pleaded guilty to all offences in the lower court earlier in 2024.

She said the defendant was spotted driving a Peugeot 307 car erratically by police on the A5 towards Emstrey roundabout on Sunday, November 26.

An officer from West Mercia Police said he took the roundabout at around 60mph and that they saw seven people in the five-seater car.

The officer put on his blue lights and gave chase but Golding drove off and weaved in and around traffic, slamming on the brakes in front of another vehicle, putting it in danger before driving off.

Golding eventually crashed the car and got out of the vehicle to run off, shaking off the officer’s first attempt to discharge his taser, believing the defendant was a danger to himself and the public.

However, that failed and the defendant ran into a field before the officer discharged it again and brought him down to be arrested.

A roadside drug test was positive for cocaine and cannabis while the remaining six people in the car all scarpered from the scene.

Miss Carrier said that upon arrest, the defendant said he was driving his friend’s car as ‘he was too drunk’ and that he was ‘stupid’ for doing so.

But he then gave a no-comment interview.

Miss Carrier said Golding had 10 convictions from four previous offences dating back to 2012 and added that the dangerous driving and number of passengers all added to be aggravating factors.

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Golding was given a 12-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, and was banned from driving for two years with a requirement to undertake an extended driving test.

He was also ordered to undertake 20 rehabilitation activity days, 100 hours unpaid work and ordered to pay £150 in costs.

For the associate offences, he was given no separate penalty but his licence was given three points.