A ST MARTINS couple have celebrated 60 years of marriage by renewing their vows in the same Weston Rhyn church they wed in with their original bridal party.

Brian and Sadie-Teresa Herbert, 81 and 79 respectively, renewed their vows on Thursday, July 25 – exactly 60 years to the day they first said ‘I do’ at St John’s Church.

And, said Sadie-Teresa, they were able to bring together Brian’s best man and her own bridesmaids for the day of celebration, as well their own family including son Kevin who played the role of wedding planner.


She admitted that renewing their vows after six decades was based on how much still flows in their marriage.

“We renewed our vows on our 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday,” said Sadie-Teresa

“We wanted to show how much love we have for each other, even after all these years.

“Our son Kevin sorted it when we realised we wanted to do it and it was nice to have all our family there.

“We had our original best man in Jim Griffiths and my four bridesmaids Ann, Anne, Barbara and Georgina.

“They were thrilled to bits when we asked them to come back and do it again.

“It was lovely – my niece came from Derby and another from Bristol and my four great-grandchildren came too, wearing the same outfit and were my bridesmaids too.

“We got married in the exact same church in Weston Rhyn – it was great to be able to celebrate 60 years of marriage.”

Sadie-Teresa confirmed that like all good weddings, there was still a party to be had and was delighted it worked out well.

She added: “We had a great party afterwards too at the Butchers Arms with a lovely buffet.

“We just want to thank everyone who came and helped make our day so very special.”

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The couple were able to share some words of advice for those who were at the start of their own journey to a long and hopefully happy marriage was to never let any issues fester in the relationship.

She said: “My advice to anyone starting out now is never go to sleep on an argument – always try to sort out and find a solution.

“That’s the best thing to do.”