A NEW free-to-play table tennis table, accessible to all, has been installed in Cae Glas Park near the tennis courts.

The mayor of Oswestry Cllr Mike Isherwood officially opened the outdoor table tennis table by enjoying a knockabout with locals including 11-year-old Ellis who had been playing tennis with his mum and could not resist joining in.

The mayor said that he was delighted to be able to officially open the table which he hopes can be used by everybody who uses the park.


He said: “It’s fantastic to see the table here.

“Table tennis is one of the most accessible sports for young and old.

“It was the only sport I found I could do when I was young.

“Having an accessible table in the park means that young people can find their way into the sport.

“The timing is perfect too. With the Olympics about to start, people are often inspired to try new sports.

“Now they will be able to give table tennis a go for free.”

Young Ellis agreed the timing is perfect, especially as school is now out for summer.

“He said: “It’s great. I will definitely play.”

The idea to introduce an outdoor table tennis table in the park came from local people and in particular Robert Pursall who was a member of Oswestry Table Tennis League.

It was Mr Pursall’s wish to see a permanent table installed in the park to encourage young people to take up the game and give existing players an opportunity to enjoy the game in the park.

Sadly, Mr Pursall passed away recently, and so did not get to see the table installed.

John Waine, who knew Robert Purcell, joined the Cllr Isherwood’s knockabout.

He said: “This is brilliant.

“It would be nice to see a lot of new players playing in the park who could go on to play in local leagues.

“Robert would be absolutely thrilled.”

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Table tennis is free to play in Cae Glas Park with no booking required.

Just turn up and wait your turn. Oswestry Town Council has equipment for people to borrow from the park keeper’s pavilion for a £1 refundable deposit.

However, only when the park keeper is on duty. It is therefore advisable to bring your own bats and balls.