Ellesmere’s community arts group, Fizzgigs, officially opened the Fairy Trail in Plantation Wood over the weekend.

This new trail features an assortment of 15 large fairy figures based on the artworks of early 20th-century artist Cecily Mary Barker, alongside 44 smaller fairies, handmade by community members, including the local Rainbows group.

On display throughout the 2.7-hectare broad-leaved Plantation is a felted toadstool ring, each artwork representative of a specific tree, flower, or plant.

Visitors can discover the art work until early September.

The event was made magical with fairy-themed treats such as fairy cakes, sparkling elderflower presse, scones with damson jam and Twiglets.

Leaflets detailing the Fairy Trail, complete with a map and activity, are available for collection from Moolah, the library, and designated dispensers at the woodland entrances.

Visitors' reactions to the artworks have been positive, with early arrivals expressing their delight.

The damson twins in the damson glade -made by mirjana garland  (Image: Fizzgigs)

Jane Chalmers, whose daughter was captivated by the Sycamore Fairy, said: "What a lovely idea!"

Plantation Wood management committee member, Pip Elms, praised the efforts, saying: "Fizzgigs has cast its spell again."

Paths may not be suitable for buggies and wheelchairs.

Parking is available at the Mere and Castle Mound car parks, postcode SY12 0RA.

For additional information, visit fizzgigs.co.uk.