OSWESTRY Town Council will continue discussions with a business over waste space in the town on how to agree to take it over for community use.

Councillors discussed the offer of a lease for land behind Beatrice Street in Orchard Street which is suffers from litter and anti-social behaviour, and a motion was tabled to strike a deal with its owners to make use of it.

At Wednesday’s full town council meeting, held at the Guildhall, councillors listened to advice given by town clerk Arren Roberts on what options were available to them.


Mr Roberts submitted a report to councillors before the meeting setting out preliminary discussions over a lease with Rontec, which owned the land.

He said that, in his view, continuing negotiations without yet committing to any lease was the best course of action.

He said: “Members are aware that there is an initiative looking to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime in areas in the town, including this one.

“Residents are keen on parking but Rontec is not keen on that, so conversations have to be had and it is not without risk.

“Ideally the council will do well here and someone will come along and do it for us.”

The report, which set out elements of a lease already highlighted by discussions with Rontec, was then discussed by councillors.

Councillor Les Maguire said: “I supported this idea from the start but I am concerned that after six months they can pull out and it is money wasted, or it can only take a few complaints for it to be pulled."

Cllr Duncan Kerr added: “We would be failing this area if we don’t do anything.

“We could ask Rontec to prepare a report and it can sit there at that stage and then discuss what we want to do.

“It allows us to give something to people to show we want to do.

“But we need something to get us ‘shovel ready’.

“I understand that residents want parking but it’s something that we can think about.”

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Mr Roberts added: “There are a couple of issues to think about.

“It could be funded by the police but we have a lease offer there and it would have to be public consultation too.”

Councillors voted to continue negotiations with Rontec.