A SPECIAL ‘Oktoberfest’ type of celebration could be coming to Oswestry if the council can set up a working partnership to make it happen.

Councillors voted to support setting up the German-style day for traders and residents across Oswestry on Saturday, October 5.

However, the vote was taken on the premise that the day can be organised in conjunction with Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID) to make the most of the occasion.


Town clerk Arren Roberts told the meeting that both market traders and town council officers are keen to make it work but understood that there had been criticism over the Food and Drink Festival.

As a result, he said, BID would be the best people to work with over putting on the day.

In his report to the council, town centre and events manager David Clough said: “There is an opportunity to book a traditional ‘Oompah Band’.

“The proposed plan would be to hold the event on the Bailey Head throughout the afternoon between 5pm until 9pm with the band itself performing against the backdrop of the Guildhall using provided gazebos.

“There are a couple of local German Sausage and beer stalls available, including Black Forrest Deli who are located within the indoor market.

“The pubs surrounding the Bailey Head area will be encouraged to get involved and be invited to be part of the event planning.

“The intention would be to create a free family event; however, as there are alcohol sales some security and first aid would be needed.

“Extra seating on the Bailey Head would be beneficial and the indoor market would be encouraged to open later also providing further food options.”

Councillors largely supported the idea in the debate.

Councillor Les Maguire said: “I’m all for these events to bring people in.”

Cllr Georgia Stackhouse said the she also supported the idea but called for it to be one that can include all of the town’s businesses.

She said: “This is a good idea and a lot of pubs are struggling so they need it.

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“But we do hold a lot of events at Bailey Head and Red Square and it needs to be the whole town involved.”

Mr Roberts concluded: “We want to go forward as long as BID is involved and there is a review at end to decide whether it’s an annual event.”

Councillors voted to support the event.