A deal to turn anti-social behaviour-hit waste dump in Oswestry into a community space could be struck by councillors.

In February this year, Green councillor Duncan Kerr proposed that the space behind Beatrice Street in Orchard Street be formally bought by the council to make best use of it.

However, it was proposed that conversations were entered into about other options that did not require the council to buy the land.


Town clerk Arren Roberts confirmed he spoken to Rontec, the landlords, and has prepared a report for councillors to consider but he made it clear that no costings for a tenancy are yet available.

In his report, he said: “(I have) met with, and corresponded with, the owners who acknowledge the condition of the land.

“They have offered the following lease in principle of a term of 10 years, lease to be outside the Landlord and Tenancy Act; an unconditional Landlord Break at any time on six months’ notice.

“It will be a community open space, not to be used as extensions to adjoining private gardens or other private uses by residents.

“Council to maintain (including all boundary fences) and keep clear/tidy.

“If land starts to be used as extensions to private gardens or for other private uses, the council to reinstate and the lease will be immediately terminated.

“Each party to bear their own legal and other costs and Rontec solicitors to prepare the draft lease with a peppercorn annual rent.”

Mr Roberts added: “There is much for the council to consider and at this point it has no indication of the likely cost of providing a community open space nor has it considered the implications of doing so.

“Council needs to consider the inclusion of this on the Project Register.”

The meeting, which starts at 7pm on Wednesday, will be at the Guildhall on Bailey Head.

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Shropshire councillors sitting as town councillors, including mayor and meeting chairman Cllr Mike Isherwood, will give updates to their members as to the latest updates from Shirehall.

Mr Roberts will also give councillors a verbal update regarding discussions with he unitary authority over delivery of future services.

He is expected to tell the meeting that this discussion will result in a survey that could be delegated to the council’s policy group before being brought to the chamber.