Plantation Wood in Ellesmere is hosting a special event this summer.

Organised by the community arts group Fizzgigs, a collection of more than 12 enchanted fairies will be hidden throughout the wood for visitors to discover.

These aren't your typical pint-size pixies however; they've been enchanted to appear larger than life.

The event kicks off from Saturday, July 20, and will go right through until early September.

Entry is free to the public and guests are invited to explore the 2.7-hectare woodland and its tranquil pathways while on the hunt for the fairy creations.

Chairman Joan Mowl excitedly noted the event as a prime opportunity for families.

She said: "This is a perfect opportunity to explore our special Wood, a wonderful resource for the town."

Information leaflets, trail maps, and activities are set to be available at the library, Moolah, with further supplies found at the entrance of Plantation Wood themselves.

The fairy project was an idea by Fizzgigs’ member Irene Pentelow.

This year marks a centenary of the Geneva Declaration of The Rights of the Child.

Ms Pentelow wanted to celebrate this with a nod to the joy of childhood.

She said, "I thought it would be wonderful to celebrate the fun side of being a child."

Ms Pentelow also said: "The flower and tree fairy books were created by Cecily Mary Barker, a contemporary of Eglantyne. Many of our fairies come from one of her books, but ours are not exact replicas."

Community involvement is rife with some locals creating their own fairies via pre-prepared kits provided by Fizzgigs.

Pip Elms, a committee member caring for Plantation Wood, emphasised the importance of the event to strengthen the community and educate about the natural environment.

She said: "This will bring together people of all ages to enjoy the beauty of the plantation and showcase how the woodland is a community asset.

"We hope to educate people about the wonders of our natural environment, and the work The Plantation volunteers do to keep the woodland open to the public whilst protecting the environment within it.

"And all with that touch of Fizzgigs’ magic."

Additional information can be found on the Fizzgigs’ website -

Please note that the pathways may not be suitable for buggies and wheelchairs.

Parking is available at the Mere and Castle Mound car parks.