A VANDAL is being sought who injured a driver by throwing a ‘hard and heavy’ object at a coach belonging to Ellesmere bus company Lakeside, causing £3,000 in damage.

The incident took place on a major road in Shrewsbury last on Wednesday evening (June 26) and left the driver covered in shattered glass.

A spokesman for Lakeside Coaches made the appeal via its social media and explained the level of damage caused by the ‘mindless behaviour’.


They said: “This is the newest vehicle on our fleet, at just three weeks old it is now out of service because of one idiotic individual’s behaviour.

A close-up of the damage to the Lakeside Coach's windscreen. A close-up of the damage to the Lakeside Coach's windscreen. (Image: Lakeside Coaches.) A close-up of the damage to the Lakeside Coach's windscreen. (Image: Lakeside Coaches.)

“(On Wednesday) night at 10.54pm, an individual wearing a blue t-shirt and shorts standing on Monkmoor Road bridge over Robertson Way decided to throw something (hard and heavy) off the bridge at our coach causing £3,000 worth of damage.

“The vehicle was scheduled to take a school to London today but is now off the road until a new windscreen is shipped and fitted-estimated five days lost earnings.

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“Thankfully our driver kept the vehicle under control and he had just dropped off passengers, covered in glass shards and a minor cut to his hand we are glad the outcome was not a lot worse.

“Any information or footage relating to the incident would be greatly appreciated (confidential).”

To report any information call 101 or ring Lakeside on 01691 622761.