IT WAS time for a new face from the past for Borderland Rotary Club as the president for the next term was confirmed.

With the start of a new Rotary year, Borderland Rotary celebrated another successful term and greeted new president Bob Hughes with around 40 Rotarians and guests present to enjoy the wonderful BBQ laid on by the Sweeney Hotel.

Bob takes over from Andy Boroughs for the year, serving a second spell as president of the club.


Andy, the outgoing president, thanked all everyone for their support throughout his presidential year and listed their achievements for 2023/24.

He said: “I’ve really enjoyed my time as supremo, the help and camaraderie has been wonderful.

“I’d particularly like to recognise all those that helped with our three major events, the fireworks in Cae Glas park, even though the weather wasn’t all we could have hoped for, the Oswestry Christmas Parade.

“And the Borderland Mountain Bike Challenge which, this year, raised in excess of £10,000.

“It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to work with everyone and I’ll still be about, but you’ll find me in the comfy back seat for a bit.”

The new president Rob Hughes needed no introduction to the club as this is the second time he has served as president but admitted that this time around will be a whole new experience for him.

He said: “When I was last head man, they hadn’t invented email, and the internet was a nebulous thing that other people knew about – and still do.

“I’m very pleased to be doing it again as I’ve found that the club has not only done lots of good things for the community, but it’s given me fellowship, friendship and a great sense of purpose.”

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The Rotary year runs from June to June and each new president guides the club through all its business while delegating other tasks, such as secretary, treasurer, membership and committee heads to other members.

It is a busy appointment and sometimes diplomatic skills are a great advantage but generally people enjoy their term, and it also fulfills the Rotary moto: ‘Service above self’.

He added: “I’m just proud to be a member of a club that remains so vibrant and active – long may it remain so.”