THE HAVE-A-GO hero who put out a fire in an Oswestry, and stopping any further damaged to a nearby shop, said he is happy to have played his part.

Callum Davies, 26 and a security guard, had been out for the evening watching England and came across the fire in an alleyway behind The Cross on Tuesday.

He immediately jumped into action with extinguishers and said he was delighted to have performed a ‘civic duty’.


He said: “It started in two big bin bags – I presume it was done deliberately as it went up quite quick.

“I was coming back from watching the football and I could see lots of people down the alleyway filming it and not doing much to help out but shout ‘fire’.

“I ran down and when I got there it was still quite small but there was enough that it needed to be put out.

“I ran back up the alley and into the back of Grill Out (in Willow Street) and I asked for an extinguisher but he gave me two.

“By the time I had got back to the fire it had grown to four or five feet and it could have spread to other areas.

“It was right behind Clarks shoe shop and there was a small window break, so when I got back it had just about spread into the building.

“To me, it looked like it got through a window and started to affect it.

“The adrenaline was pumping a bit – I thought it needed to be controlled if not put out and with the amount of people going down the alleyway, it could have injured anyone including me.

Firefighters in The Cross in Oswestry.Firefighters in The Cross in Oswestry. (Image: SFRS.)

“I was alright afterwards – I was just happy that it was out and then the fire service turned up and I was able to play my part.”

A spokesman for Oswestry Fire station praised Callum for his quick actions which helped them clean up the damage quickly and effectively.

They said: “We are grateful for his quick thinking and efforts, which helped prevent the situation from becoming worse.

"We appreciate everyone's contribution to keeping our community secure."

They added: “The fire originated in a wheelie bin and affected Clarks shoe store.

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“Positive pressure ventilation was used to clear heavy smoke logging and a thorough inspection of the building was conducted to ensure no fire spread.

“Thank you to all the crews and officers for your effective response.

“Staff at our station out here to keep our community safe.”