INVITES have been doled out to ‘Boomers’ to join a special event celebrating post-war babies in Ellesmere in August.

Organisers Johnny Evans and Colin Hose have set up the event at the Ellesmere Hotel for Saturday, August 3 to show off how the town has developed since 1945.

Residents born in the 1940s, 50s and 60s are invited to the day to reminisce about the early years of their lives at the event for the day that is usually spread across the year.


They said: “We have had a growing number of people that felt that maybe we should have our normal ‘gathering’ on a separate day (from the Carnival) and this year the organisers have opted to hold the reunion on Saturday, August 3, from 1pm.

“If you or your family members were a child of the 40s, 50 or 60s, was a student at the ‘Tin School’ in Victoria Street, attended the brand new schools in Oak Drive (Primary) or at the top of Beech Grove (Secondary Modern) both being opened in 1952.

“Or remember being taught by Fanny Groves, Mrs Willkie, Arthur Coats, Judge Jeffrey, Laddie Hammond, Ed Bird or the Headmaster Fred Morgan.

“Do you recall going to the towns picture palace in the old Town Hall, enjoyed a bag of chips on the way home from Ike’s chip shop in Watergate Street or Baggies up St John Hill.

“Did you sip frothy coffee in Fred Jones Milk bar, while listening to the latest hits on the jukebox, maybe you remember the unique smell of freshly baked bread wafting from Master Baker Jack Charles shop or the pork pies from George Hayward’s the pork butcher on Scotland Street.

“Did you look forward all year to boarding the Sunday school special train to sunny Rhyl?

“You might also recall the tremendous carnival days when we were treated to two processions in one day and marvelled at the skill and patience of the likes of Hilda Smout and the Eardley’s who always made such tremendous efforts to make Ellesmere carnival the success it is.

“Did you travel to Oswestry to attend the High School or Technical College?

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“You might have gone on to work at the town’s dairy, or the Fullwood and Bland factory, worked in a local shop or down on the farm, or maybe you ventured further afield?

“Whichever path you took, it will be great to see you at the Ellesmere Hotel, all are most welcome to join us and if possible bring along any photographs and other memorabilia you may have.”

The Ellesmere Carnival in 2024 will be on Saturday, August 19.