CHIRK residents blighted by falling dust fibres from the nearby Kronospan woodchip factory say they feel let down by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) over a ‘lack of action’.

The town has long faced dust being emitted from the factory, but when in October 2022 NRW became the sole regulator for the site they saw some hope. But now local people say they are seeing no improvement in the situation.

However, residents including Leighton Edwards say that complaints to NRW about dust landing on cars and properties – including a visible build-up in just nine hours – are going unanswered and have left them angry.


Mr Edwards said: “Natural Resources Wales took over and we thought it was our saving grace but we seem to be in the exact same position we’ve been in last few years.

Dust on Leighton Edwards's car that had fallen in just nine hours. Dust on Leighton Edwards's car that had fallen in just nine hours. (Image: Leighton Edwards.)

“That is a real disappointment – we’re contacting them and emailing them both Kronospan and NRW and we’re getting no response whatsoever.

“My car and my neighbours’ cars are reference points about the amount of dust that lands on us.

Dust fibres from the Kronospan factory.Dust fibres from the Kronospan factory. (Image: Newsquest)

“But the worst thing is our kids are breathing this in and when we have days like this, when it is sunny and warm and we have our windows open, then it’s a worry.

“They are fine dust fibres – not sawdust – that settle everywhere and there is an inescapable stench that is a chemical woodburning type smell and it affects our wellbeing.

Wood fibre dust on a Chirk windowsill from Kronospan. Wood fibre dust on a Chirk windowsill from Kronospan. (Image: Newsquest.)

“It’s not stopping and NRW don’t respond to emails and request for help – that’s where we feel let down most.

“I don’t think NRW wants to take on Kronospan.

Dust collected on top of Leighton Edwards's car. Dust collected on top of Leighton Edwards's car. (Image: Newsquest)

“The outcome we want is that we want them to stop it – we understand they are a local employer and no-one wants that to change.

“However, NRW puts the pressure on Kronospan, we just want clean air that doesn’t have micro dust fibres in it.”

Terry Evans is a Wrexham councillor for Chirk and says local people have had enough.

He added: “We thought there were proper improvements coming but all of a sudden, NRW says there are 26 notices being issued.

“We’re not seeing any improvements in the village and these roads are being hammered by dust and you yourself can smell the dust in the air.

“It’s not just us saying it – where can residents go? They can’t sit in their gardens with families – it’s toxic.

Kronospan factory in Chirk. Kronospan factory in Chirk. (Image: Newsquest)

“I just wish they would come clean because there is something causing it and these people are being hammered by it.”

James McClymont, team leader for industry and waste regulation for North East Wales, said all feedback is considered but admitted the factory still has things to work on.

He said: “Natural Resources Wales considers all complaints about Kronospan from local residents, and we ask the operator to investigate and provide feedback on all reports.

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“When NRW became the sole regulator for Kronospan in 2022, their environmental permit included a number of improvement conditions.

“Two years on, many of these conditions have been addressed; however, there are further improvements to be actioned”.

“The environmental permit requires that the operator utilise ‘Best Available Techniques’ for preventing or minimising emissions and impacts on the environment.”

Kronospan declined to comment.