A CALL to urgently give a depressed peacock a new life with a mate has been made by a St Martins woman.

Clare Butterton lives in Baytree Close, in the heart of St Martins, and for the last two years has played a part in the feeding and care of a roaming peacock, name unknown.

Recently, she made an urgent plea on social media for a mate to be found for him, fearing he has lost weight and become depressed for a lack of company.


Clare explained: “He does a loop of the area around where I live in Baytree Close in St Martins.

The St Martins peacock eats while a cat watches.The St Martins peacock eats while a cat watches. (Image: Newsquest)

“He first appeared two years ago – I rang the Lion Quays and asked them if one of theirs was missing but they said no.

“They also said that he would walk around if he felt safe.

The peacock in St Martins. The peacock in St Martins. (Image: Newsquest.)

“He used to hang out with my chickens and that made him feel safe and we just fed him and he is a good-looking bird.

“But my dad got rid of the chickens and that left him with no friends and I think he’s a bit lonely.

“So that’s why I wanted to do something about it because I could hear his cries and they sounded sad.

“That’s why I did want to get him a new home.

“I can understand people in around the neighbourhood wanting him to stay because he’s beautiful and really cheers the place up.

“But they also know that in the end, it’s not the right or best thing for him as he needs a mate – he needs a peahen.”

Clare has bonded with the peacock, who puts on colourful displays with his beautiful plumage in neighbouring gardens, but said he has lost weight over recent weeks.

And she dispensed vital advice for anyone wishing to come and play a part in rehoming.

She said: “If there is anyone who can come to collect to give him a new life, I think it is best to bring your peahen with you as it’s the only way he will get on the transport.

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“I will miss him because it’s been two years of living with him.

“But it’s important that something is done because in the end, he needs a mate.”

Anyone who wants to try to give the peacock a new life can email Clare at clare.butterton@gmail.com