A GOBOWEN woman says she wants to thank her ‘saviour postman’ in person after she credited him with saving her life.

Liverpool-born Dorothy Thomas, 89, fell in her back garden after experiencing a bout of vertigo, and was left requiring hospital treatment after the incident in May.

She had been out at 6am feeding the birds and was left in pain but forced herself across her paved garden to where she could be seen by passers-by.


It was there that postie Jonathan – whose last name she does not know – was able to come to the rescue and set off the chain of events needed for her treatment.

She said: “I was on the floor and because I am blind, I didn’t know what I’d hit on my way down and I couldn’t get up.

“I couldn’t put weight on my arms and only bend my legs – I knew I’d banged my head.

“It dawned on me that because of where I was, I could be there all day and I was very vulnerable but the only thing I could move was my rear end so that’s all I could do.

“It was just a wriggle and I got to the drain pipe by the garden gate and I tried to pull myself up with that but I couldn’t.

“It was painfully slow – I started just before 7am and on the way I passed my cat who was sitting there and she looked at me in great confusion.

“She stayed with me all the time I was there.

“I was unable to able to move but then came Jonathan, my saviour and our postie – he put down everything and went to get my wristband from the house.

“It was too painful – I couldn’t lie down because I had cracked ribs and then he got me a chair but it kept moving so he had to sit on it with me.

“It was a hot day too and then more people came to help, with things like an umbrella and hot sweet tea.”

Dorothy said her family attended with her grandson’s future sister-in-law giving medical advice as she was a doctor and also heaped more praise on Jonathan.

“It was great that he came back again at the end of his shift to make sure that I was okay,” she said.

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“He had stayed with me until my family got here too and said he wasn’t leaving until they did.

“He was lovely and I didn’t get chance to thank him because he went and when he came back, he just put his thumbs up and I want to really say a big thank you to him.

“I want to say that if he is in the area or on his round then call in to see me so I can say thank you properly.”