THE Ellesmere born and bred owner of a new toy shop in the town says she was grateful for the opening day support she received.

Holly Brett opened up Stars & Scamps in Scotland Street last Saturday with Ellesmere residents offering plenty of interest in the new venture.

She said opening the shop is the culmination of a personal ambition to not only open a shop but also contribute to her home town.


“It was really good and loads of people popped in to see us so I felt really supported,” she said.

“By the time I’d finished getting everything ready on the previous evening, all we could do was a soft launch type thing as it’s been a labour of love.

“We just opened up on the day for the people of Ellesmere and it was about putting the word out there that I was open.

“It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for years – my dad was a business owner in Ellesmere too before his garage made way for the new Tesco.

“Being part of the community is a huge thing for me.

“My sister owned a café and she won a small business award being given out by Theo Paphitis and I went down in her place.

“I was able to chat to other small business owners and they were telling me to go for it, saying that the worst that can happen is that I lose a little bit of money.

“So I’ve spent the last six months putting together my business plan and getting a grant to help pay for it.”

Holly insists there is a demand for toy shopping in the town and hopes the shop – open from 10am until 4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday – will fill that gap.

Holly said: “I’m really proud of getting it up and running, especially now the stocking up work and putting up shelves is done.

“I admit that on Friday when I saw the shop full, I had a little cry at how much I had done.”

She added:  “When you’re a kid and you walk into a toy shop, there is a special magic that surrounds it.

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“That special magic is going because there are fewer and fewer places to go. I’m hoping to bring that magic for the children back.

“I am in the process of building an online shop which I hope to be launching within the next few months.

“Whether you have a little star, or a cheeky little scamp, you will be able to find something to suit.”