Police are warning parents after children were found with drug laced sweets in Oswestry.

West Mercia Police are advising parents to be on guard after a teenager was found with innocuous looking sweets which turned out to be edible THC laced 'sweets'.

Police have said the sweets are “laced with six grams of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis which would have a serious effect on your child, especially if found by younger siblings of teenagers.”


An officer with the Oswestry Safer Neighbourhood Team said: “We are asking parents to be especially vigilant, as this pack was seized by myself from a 15-year-old male.

“His parents have been informed and we are glad to say that they are actively on board with the actions taken by the police.

“Please look to see what your children have in their possession, as this could easily have been mistaken for normal sweets.”

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Edibles are illegal if they "contain more than 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis”.

Other forces have raised concerns about such products as “they are packaged, they can be particularly appealing to young people and teenagers, who may call them 'gummies' or 'bites'.”

“Unlike smoking cannabis, swallowing cannabis is much easy to consume, however it takes longer to take effect. As a result, those taking them are likely to eat too many due to the delayed effect.

“Side effects can include; psychotic episodes, disorientation and confusion, changes in perception, depression, paranoia, heart problems, panic attacks, nausea or vomiting, hallucinations, memory loss, feeling lethargic, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, insomnia and anxiety.”