A Shropshire primary school student is organising a tractor run to raise money for his school.

Zachary Williams, 11, is trying to raise money for Kinnerley Primary School as a thank you before he leaves for secondary school later this year.

Zachary wanted to raise money for the school and decided to try and come up with a tractor run to coincide with this year’s Kinnerley village fete.

Zachary said in the website he created for the event: “As it's my last year in Kinnerley Primary School, I decided to raise money for our school as a show of appreciation for their hard work and dedication to giving me and my fellow learners a good education in a fun and safe environment.”

“As Kinnerley Village has a fantastic farming community, me and some of my fellow pupils came up with idea of organising a Tractor run.”


The event is being backed by mum Laura Ellis-Jones who said that Zachary has shown a passion for farming for years.

“My mum and stepdad live on a farm,” said Laura. “From a very, very young age Zachary's always been into farming.

“He goes to help every opportunity he can, he even had his own cow for two years that he sold last week.

“He's hoping to raise at least £500 we have a website and a fundraising page and I'm also putting together a Facebook page.”

Zachary has already had people put themselves forward but has set a target of getting at least 50 tractors together as part of the run and is putting up posters and posting online to get people involved.

The Tractor run is set to take place on July 13 at 12.30 and will start at the Royal Hill pub in Edgerley and will finish in Kinnerley at 2.15pm

Entries cost £10 per tractor which can be paid on the day or you can donate to Zachary’s JustGiving page here.