A FLORIST in Ellesmere has teamed up with a deli café owner to provide sustainable floral classes once a month.

Katherine Birtles owns Zinnia Floral Design and is running the monthly workshops until September to show people how to make beautiful arrangements while also doing their bit for the planet.

The sessions will take place at Moolah, in Scotland Street, with May’s session on Wednesday, and Katherine believes people attending will both meet new people who share their ideals but also learn some excellent ways to make environmentally friendly flowers.


She said: “I am a sustainable florist who has teamed up with Pip at Moolah where we now offer the people of Ellesmere and beyond the opportunity to learn how to preserve planet, people and profit while still enjoying flowers and floral design.

The demonstrations and workshops are a way of meeting like-minded people in a comfortable setting all at an affordable price.

“I worked at Lily The Pink in Ellesmere then the owner sold the shop, so I was without a job and set up my own business Zinnia Floral Design. 

“Pip Elms and Moolah have been great supporters, and the relationship has built over the last couple of years. 

“People can now access quality education from a well-qualified florist in their local area.”

Wednesday’s session (May 8) is £10 and is on Jars and Bottles, running from 6.30-8pm.

Each workshop is a Wednesday and will run from 6.30-8pm apart from Wednesday, June 12 where there also is a workshop from 2-4pm on using recycled glassware for flowers and again on August 7.

Prices vary from workshop to workshop.

The workshops are all part of ‘The Big Green Plan’ launched by Smithers-Oasis UK, which provides floral design products.

Paul Southwick, managing director for Smithers-Oasis UK, said: "The desire and determination to move forward with our sustainability plans remains as strong as ever.

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“We all have a collective responsibility to do our bit, to make a difference, in whatever way we can.

“As leaders in our industry sector, we take this responsibility very seriously.”

For more about the workshops, email Katherine at zinniafloraldesignuk@gmail.com