JOIN us on a step back in time to the 1980s as we celebrate more history which deserves to be remembered.

As ever we encourage readers to share their own pictures from the past. Remember, without the submissions of readers we cannot celebrate and share your memories with the largest possible audience.

Border Counties Advertizer: Llansanffraid School 1982.We begin with a picture of Llansantffraid School pupils in 1982. Recognise any familiar faces?


Border Counties Advertizer: Criftin's School, Ellesmere 1982.Next we share a picture of pupils enjoying playtime at Criftin’s School in Ellesmere 1982 and our next picture shows children in class.

Border Counties Advertizer: Criftin's School, Ellesmere 1982

Border Counties Advertizer: Croeswylan School 1984.Our final picture shows Croeswylan School athletes in 1984. Recognise any familiar faces?