OSWESTRY Flower Club’s latest meeting in July was a departure from their usual floral demonstration as they were entertained by the Orthopaedic Ladies Choir with “Songs from the Musicals”.

The evening was interspersed with flower arrangements by their in-house flower demonstrators Eleanor Davies and Kath Thomas, whose titles were taken from the music by the choir.

A spokesman said: “Many thanks to the Orthopaedic Ladies Choir, Eleanor and Kath for making the evening such an enjoyable success.”

The next meeting at Morda Village Hall on Tuesday, September 19 at 7.30pm will be a workshop by Diane Fair of Chester titled “What the Judge is Looking for”.

The spokesman added: “This is a golden opportunity to gain first-class knowledge from an expert teacher of what is looked for in a winning floral arrangement.

“For those who haven’t already done so entry forms with requirements for this workshop are still available.


“Please contact Margaret Evans or Kath Thomas or any member of the committee beforehand.

The competition title is “Colours of Autumn” and exhibits from the workshop can be placed in the competition.

“Tricia Lea is demonstrator hostess, vote of thanks and welcome flowers, sales table Jane Preece and Cathy Scott.”

For further information on this and many other events, please contact Kath Thomas on 07704060579or visit our Facebook page under Oswestry Groups and on nafasmnw.weebly.com

Visitors and new members welcome all year through with a motto of “Friendship & Fun through Flowers”.

If you’re looking for something creative and informative come along, be entertained, learn & make new friends.