THE family of a mother and son who died in a house fire have paid tribute to the emergency services, after hearing the fire was caused by a electrical fault in a TV set.

Alan Metcalfe died at the scene of the incident in Glentworth Close in Morda on December 14, last year. His mother Eileen Metcalfe passed away in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital on the same day.

Their family attended their inquest at Shirehall in Shrewsbury on Tuesday, April 4 and thanked the emergency services doing what they could to save the duo, who were well-known for their roles in Porthywaen Silver Band and the Town Twinning Association.

The coroner's court heard that the blaze began because of an electrical fault in a television in Mr Metcalfe's bedroom. 

In a statement, the family said: "We would like to say thank you for the incredible work the emergency services did on the day and for the subsequent report.


"We will miss them every day."

The inquest, chaired by the Shropshire Telford and Wrekin chief coroner John Ellery, heard how Alan and Eileen had been settling down for the night before the fire.

Mr Ellery read out some of the findings from fire investigators.

He said: "On that evening, they both went to their respective beds for the night.

"Next door to Alan's room is his mother's room. There are two smoke alarms which are relatively close by.

"According to fire investigators, both appear to have been working as normal."

The inquest heard firefighters were first alerted to the fire after receiving a call from neighbours.

Mr Ellery said: "The source of the fire was the TV monitor in Mr Metcalfe's bedroom at the foot of his bed.

"The fire started in the TV monitor, creating dense smoke."

Mr Ellery recognised the rapid response of the emergency services, adding: "From what I gather, they got there promptly and did what they could."

Mr Ellery concluded the death was the result of an accident which led to smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning.

The coroner said: "I conclude it was accidental due to the electrical abnormality in Mr Metcalfe's room.

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"In terms of how it started, it was an electrical fault.

"The conclusion is one of accidental death."

Alan Metcalfe was born on October 2, 1968. He was 54 years old.

Eileen Metcalfe was 92 years old.