Plans for a purpose-built clubhouse next to Oswestry’s tennis courts have taken a step forward after the town council agreed to lease the building to Oswestry Team Tennis.

The move comes a year after planning permission was granted for the new building, and more than five years since the club first started looking into the project.

The clubhouse will replace the workshop building in Cae Glas Park, which is currently used for storage.

At a town council meeting on Monday evening, members heard that the tennis club was keen to get construction underway next year.


While the redevelopment will be financed by the club, the town council will own the building and be responsible for the upkeep of its exterior.

The tennis club, under the terms of the 25-year lease, will be responsible for maintaining the inside of the building.

Border Counties Advertizer: The current storage workshopThe current storage workshop

Rent will be £1,000 for the first seven years, after which it will rise in line with inflation.

Operations manager Henry Teuma said: “There have been lots of conversations with Oswestry Team Tennis regarding use of the clubhouse so what I have presented today is the draft terms for use of the building.

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“Oswestry Team Tennis will be raising the funds to redevelop the clubhouse to better use, so it won’t cost the town council anything.”

Councillors unanimously agreed the terms of the lease, saying it was good to see the project progressing, and delegated responsibility to clerk Arren Roberts to negotiate the final contract.

It means the town council will soon need to empty the current building, and councillors also agreed to commission a report into alternative storage options.