Oswestry Town Council has the admirable target of being carbon neutral by 2030, and a part of this target is the installation of photovoltaic (solar) panels on the roof of the Powis Market Hall.

The panels, we are told, “will supply cheap ultra-low carbon electricity to the building and back to the grid for the next 20 years”, and enough power “to toast two-and-a-half million pieces of bread”, an interesting analogy and perhaps an example of the lateral thinking of the great and the good of Oswestry Town Council.

I don’t know how much the panel installation cost, but whatever the cost it is a welcome boost to the local economy, and supports the comments made by Green Councillor Kerr that “Green councillors support local businesses”.

If only that were true!

The reality is that the installation was carried out by a company called ZLC Energy Ltd, a company based not in Oswestry, not in Shropshire even, but a company whose only office is on an industrial estate in Liskeard, Cornwall, a round trip of some 800 miles.

Very green and very supportive of the local business community. I don’t think!

I wonder what the carbon footprint of two-and-a-half million pieces of toast is?

Paul Wiseman,

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