A FIVE-YEAR-OLD struggling with a rare eating disorder is relying on the kindness of strangers to raise funds for treatment after the NHS rejected his application.

Finley is suffering from AFRID - Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder - and it has been a struggle for him and his family for the past four years.

He was diagnosed with the illness in October 2019, and it means that he can’t face textures, smells or even the look of certain foods, otherwise he will be sick.

His mum, Sophie Wood, said: "As a family we can’t sit down and eat a meal as it would be too much for Finley to cope with.

"Finley is often sick at the site of certain food which means he chooses not to sit around that sort of food."

Finley has a very restrictive diet which consists of Weetabix, Cheerio’s, cornflakes, ready salted Pom Bears and Pringles, pretzels, Barney Bears (milk only), McDonald’s French-fries, dry bread, marshmallows, vanilla ice cream and Wildlife yoghurt.

"I don't know how he came about liking the French-fries from McDonald's, but now he is not able to eat any other brand, he is very brand specific," added Sophie.

The family was rejected from the NHS funded programme The Feeding Trust after doing all the tests, in favour of another child suffering from the same illness.

Now the family needs to raise £5,000 to get Finley into the two-year programme, which consists of monthly therapy that will hopefully make his life easier.

So far around £1,500 has been raised.

Unfortunately, even with the treatment, the youngster will never be cured.

Sophie added: "When he turns 18 he won't even be able to enjoy a pint with his dad and he is always worried going to school, always having to sit alone at lunch.

"It's really hard on him."

For donations and to find out more follow this link: www.gofundme.com/f/finleys-feeding-treatment