AN OSWESTRY man took his own life, a coroner has ruled.

Stuart Lachlan McCrerie, 93, was found by a carer and a neighbour at his property in Oerley Way, on Monday, April 11, with signs that he had deliberately electrocuted himself.

The court heard that the London-born former electrical engineer used his career skills to ensure that no-one was hurt upon finding him and that a suicide note written in his handwriting and addressed to to his daughters had been found.

John Ellery, Shropshire coroner, heard a statement from acting Detective Sergeant Ben Oakley at the inquest into Mr McCrerie's death.

He was described by neighbours as having been very poorly, suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and had been housebound for the last 18 months.

Mr McCrerie, according to acting DS Oakley, had been an active man prior to that, taking part in figure skating but had become unwell because of the COPD and other ailments.

The hearing was also told that while there was no certainty that Mr McCrerie had wanted to take his own life prior to the incident, he had made suggestions around his potential death.

Acting DS Oakley added: "It was clear that he took his own life as, though the electrocution could have been an accident, it is clear that he took steps to ensure it did not affect anyone."

Mr Ellery concluded Mr McCrerie's death was suicide.

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