IT WAS ‘showtime’ at the July meeting of Gobowen WI as members showed off the best of their talents.

The biennial show was held and almost everyone entered at least one item while many entered several, with flower arrangements, craft and cookery items for judging by friend of the institute Margaret Ellis.

She offered a number of helpful show tips for the future.

A spokesman for the group said: "President Helen Cattell welcomed everyone including a visitor to the meeting.

"Orders for calendars and diaries were taken and NFWI raffle tickets were on sale and Helen told members that the final payment for the Christmas Great Days outing in November would be collected in September.

"There was a discussion and suggestions made about the catering for the ‘Open’ meeting in October.

"From September it is hoped that the walking group would once again meet and a number of ladies expressed an interest in joining it.

"Barbara Philips agreed to take charge of ensuring the scrapbook is kept up to date.

"The evening finished with a ‘Royalty’ quiz prepared by secretary Sara Jones.

"Prizes were given to the winning team and also a ‘booby’ prize for the lowest scorers.

"The one question which puzzled everyone was around the accession to the throne but everyone agreed it had been a most enjoyable evening."

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6 at All Saints’ Church Hall in Gobowen at 7pm.

The speaker will be Elizabeth Woodall who will speak on 1,000 years of British Food and Cookbooks.

For further information contact Helen on 01691 656914.